With the newly developed Neutrakon Pro 20, CHP units in the industrial sector with a heating output of up to 3 megawatts can be equipped with this green technology in future.
For over 30 years, Mommertz GmbH has been developing, manufacturing and selling the Neutrakon product as a simple and safe solution for neutralizing acidic and corrosive condensates from condensing boilers. This technology is now used by all major heating system manufacturers and thus protects the environment and sewer systems from consequential damage. A neutralization granulate of natural origin is used here, which is processed using a circulation system operated by Mommertz and can therefore be used repeatedly.
The integration of a settling basin with activated carbon upstream of the neutralization filter, supplemented by an innovative booster pump, ensures the longevity of the granulate and thus a continuous neutralization function. Due to its high neutralization performance, systems with up to 3 megawatts or up to 240 liters of condensate per hour can be treated.
In cooperation with BUSSE, a new type of product design was developed that significantly simplifies integration, operation and maintenance. The aspects of product design, mechanical design and prototype construction could be compactly combined during development, so that the product could be launched on the market within a few months.
A compact and maintenance-friendly design has resulted in a modern product that can be easily adapted to any installation landscape.